Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Monday, April 19, 2021
Cara Merencanakan dan Mendesain Ruang Pribadi
GeneralJasa desain arsitektur - Kamar tidur merupakan tempat yang sangat pribadi dimana kita merasa lebih leluasa untuk mengekspresikan apa yang kita inginkan di dalam kamar.Kita bisa bebas mendekorasi kamar sesuai dengan apa yang kita inginkan,suasana apa yang kita inginkan dan dari suasa kamar kita bisa tau siapa kita sesungguhnya.
Dahulu kamar hanya untuk istirahat,tapi seiring perkembangan zaman ,kamar menjadi sering kita jadikan tempat kerja,ruang baca,bahkan untuk menonton tv dan sebagainya.
Untuk mewujudkan ruang tidur yang ideal,tanpa mengurangi fungsi utama kamar ,sebagai tempat istirahat yang nyaman tenang dan tentunya sehat.
Sebelum kita bicarakan lebih lanjut mengenai prinsip penataan kamar tidur,ada baiknya kita menilik sebentar bagaimana caranya merencanakan posisi ruang tidur ,ada 5 hal yang perlu kita perhatikan posisinya.
Hindari pemilihan lokasi kamar tidur yang berdampingan langsung dengan ruang publik baik yang ada didalam rumah maupun diluar rumah,antara lain garasi carport,atau jalan-jalan umum yang berpotensi menimbulkan penetrasi suara yang tinggi yang bisa berpengaruh pada kenyamanan ruang tidur kita.
Hindari pemilihan lokasi kamar tidur yang tidak memunginkan kita melakukan bukaan sirkulasi udara atau masuknya cahaya matahari,hal ini akan membuat lembab kamar tidur kita dan menjadikan kamar tidur kita tidak sehat.
Bila rumah kita lebih dari satu lantai,maka pemilihan kamar tidur akan sangat baik jika kita tempatkan dilantai atas ,karena akan lebih tenang dan pemandangannyapun akan lebih baik pada saat kita membuka jendela,namun jika kita berusia lanjut,pemilihan lokasi ini harus dipertimbangkan masak-masak,karena akan menyulitkan kita pada saat harus naik-turun tangga menuju kamar tidur atas.
Bila kita tidak memiliki kamar mandi didalam kamar tidur,maka kita hindari pemilihan lokasi kamar tidur yang yang terlalu jauh dari kamar mandi luar,apalagi harus memotong area publik,hal ini akan membuat aktivitas sesudah mandi dan sebelum mandi terlihat dari area publik di dalam rumah kita dan tentunya akan kurang nyaman.
Apabila kita tidak memiliki posisi kamar yang berhadapan langsung dengan halaman,sebaiknya kita membuat iner-court yang diolah menjadi taman kering,kemudian kita buat bukaan untuk sirkulasi udara masuknya sinar matahari kearah iner-court tersebut,selain itu ,taman kering yang kita olah akan memberikan kesegaran kamar kita. apabila kita sudah mengikuti ketentuan diatas dapat dikatakan kita telah memiliki posisi kamar tidur yang ideal.
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
What are the commonly asked questions people have regarding CAPM Training?
What are the commonly asked questions people have regarding CAPM Training?What are the commonly asked questions people have regarding CAPM Training?
What are the commonly asked questions
Project management is one of the most recognized fields of work in today’s world of progress and development. Be ready for a true adventure you will never get tired of.
There is no time as well as space for dullness in this type of career. A project manager (can also be termed as PM for this profession) is mainly responsible for heading an entire project through formulation, making plans, implementation, monitoring as well as its conclusion. To be a true PM, you have to be a group leader, substitute worker, assistant as well as supervisor at the same time. This is one of the most difficult careers as no day will be the same as the previous one or the upcoming one, and you will require all of your project management skills to handle every problem in the best possible ways. Also, you will be regarded as the first person your group goes to when a problem or a situation of threat comes up. They might expect you to contain the answers to any sort of inquiry. But, this is exactly what makes the project management career path more enthusiastic as well as interesting for the type of adventures.
The CAPM Certification examination is planned for people who have the proficiency, abilities, and capacities to ascertain basic proficiency of the CAPM outlet, encompassing accessible assistance and their widespread design trials, CAPM based cloud architectural tenets (at the conceptual level), account insurance, and submission.
The nominee will ascertain awareness of CAPM printed cloud economics comprising expenses, billing, and estimation, and the important recommendation of the CAPM examination.
It assesses a candidate’s capacity to:
• Explain the importance of the CAPM examination.
• Understand and clarify the CAPM shared obligation criterion.
• Understand CAPM based safety best exercises.
• Understand CAPM enhancing expenses, economics, and billing methods.
• Describe and stance the core CAPM services, comprising compute, system, databases, and repository.
• Identify CAPM assistance for widespread use possibilities.
Proposed CAPM Knowledge
It is endorsed that nominees have at least 6 months of experience with the CAPM Cloud in any position, including conventional and non-conventional learners, instructors, and people exploring the CAPM Cloud, including program managers, IT administrators, sales administrators, decision-makers, and marketers, as adequately as those working in finance, procurement, and formal departments.
Recommended General IT Knowledge:
Nominees should possess basic awareness of IT duties and their goals in the CAPM Cloud platform.
Exam Content:
Response Types
There are two categories of problems on the examination:
• Multiple choice: Has one valid response and three wrong responses (distractors).
• Multiple responses: Has two or additional correct responses out of five or more options.
Select one or more answers that best finalize the declaration or answer the problem. Distractors or incorrect explanations are reaction options that an examinee with preliminary knowledge or ability would be inclined to choose. However, they are commonly reasonable responses that suit the amount area differentiated by the examination purpose.
Unanswered problems are marked as incorrect; there is no loss for guessing.
Unscored Content
Your inspection may comprise unscored articles that are spotted on the test to collect statistical data. These articles are not specified on the aspect and do not influence your score.
Methods accompanied to or involved in CAPM.
By following the best practices of CAPM, you’ll learn how to provide a sustainable innovation environment for your teams. CAPM can often challenge project managers in the realm of leadership. Old styles of command and control are now a thing of the past, except in the most conservative organizations. But CAPM takes self-empowerment to new levels and challenges traditional beliefs of what leadership means. That’s why this is the number one reason; teams love using CAPM. They learn to lead themselves. The new style of leadership redefines and redistributes team roles and the benefits it offers, such as motivating through empowerment to gain better decisions, facilitating the creativity and inclusivity of a high-functioning team, identifying and managing decision-making biases, and negotiating conflicts across individuals, teams, and organizations, and ensuring success through delegation and powerful constraint-based metrics. You’ll learn to turn one internally motivated and critically thinking mind into many and to drive speed and innovation through leveraging all talents on the team.
Friday, January 29, 2021
When writing a guest post for another website or blog, SEO is still important for a better impact on your website.
Usually, there are specific reasons for guest blogging including the following:
· To obtain a high-quality backlink from the guest post
· To make your skills introduce to another community
· To get better referral traffic to your website
Now, how all of these factors are possible from a single guest post?
Of course, with the help of a well-written article for guest blogging. If you are thinking that an SEO driven article won’t be giving the advantage to your website then you are thinking wrong.
This blog post is all about the tips for writing a well-written SEO optimized guest post which will help you in a different aspect.
Why SEO driven guest post is important?
Firstly, how will a user read your article when it’s not ranking at the top of the SERP?
If your article is entirely optimized with the SEO practices then there are more chances that your content at the top of the search engine result page.
You get the chance of getting huge traffic when your written article with a backlink is ranked in the top position of the search engine ranking.
How to write an SEO driven article? Here are the tips:
Tips for writing SEO driven article
1. Know the audience of the blog for which you are writing
Guest posts will only be beneficial when you are writing the article by knowing the audience of another blog. This is because writing for the target audience always gives outcomes in a better way.
If you are writing the guest post by targeting a specific audience then the audience will engage more in the article by giving the chance of clicking your link placed in it.
This way, more and more traffic would come through redirecting from the link.
Now, how to know the audience of the blog for which you are writing the blog post?
Way of knowing the audience of guest posting sites:
Following are the ways of knowing the audience of the site for which you are writing the guest post:
· Analyze manually the top pages and keywords of the page. For example, if the website is enriching in the “Tutorials” then you should write an article regarding this niche.
· Use online tools like Ahrefs to analyze the top pages, keywords, and interest of the audience. The below image shows the Ahrefs showing top traffic countries and top pages of a website.
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The above pictures show that the top interesting topics for an audience of ProPakistani.pk are about “PSL” (Pakistan Superleague). If you write a guest post with the placed keywords of sports and especially PSL, then you get more chances of getting a reference set.
But this is only valid for sports because these keywords are about sports.
It is much easier to write an SEO-driven guest post when you write the guest post for the blog that is related to your blog or audience.
To find these types of guest posting sites, you can utilize the filtrated websites available on BuySellGuestPost.
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2. Focus on the heading of the guest post
Not only this is beneficial for the SEO but also the CTR (Click-through rate). If the topic of the guest post is not effective and interesting then this wouldn’t bring the traffic to read the article.
Remember, on the SERP, only heading along with the Meta Description will be displayed and the readers will only consider reading your article when they feel the topic is interesting and according to their query.
Your heading should have the following criteria to be effective:
· It should be capable of explaining the whole of the article within the title
· It should have the keyword adjusted for better ranking opportunity
· It’s better to have a title with listicles, “tips”, “best”, etc.
· The heading should be made after considering the common queries including the search intent
3. Write high-quality content
This is one of the most important factors which should be considered seriously as well as in the first phase of writing a guest blog article.
If your content is amazing and optimized then Google and other search engines will let it rank over the top of the search engine.
However, to make it so, you should have a checklist to mark the quality of the content as written below:
Searchable: This is possible through optimization and ranking at the top of the search engine ranking. If the keyword placement is good, it will rank and easy to find for the users.
High Readability:It should be written in an easy-to-read language which is also known as conversational tone. According to SEOpressor, the readability score should be 60 or above using the Flesch-Kincaid score.
Shareable: The content you write should be based on understanding while it will be beneficial if you add some emotional value because it will let the users share on their social media accounts.
Adding reference: Your content should be authentic in a way that you proof the facts you explained in your writing. This is possible with the help of high-quality outbound links to the source.
Actionable: If your content is actionable, then there are more chances that your article on another blog will get a backlink as a reference from other bloggers.
You can easily check your content with online tools like SEMrush writing assistant as well as Expresso-app.
4. Keyword research and Cluster
When talking about the ranking of the guest post on the top of the search engine, you should have good keyword research.
Now, how and why to research keywords?
First, we all know that the guest posting guidelines include the posting of the article on the relative website. In this sense, there are chances that your website’s keywords and the other blog’s keywords are common.
If it’s not, you should find the keywords for your article that are relevant to your website as well as for others.
For example, if the other website which is accepting your guest post is ranking on the mobile-related keywords then you should build relationships of mobile and your target keywords with the help of the keyword cluster.
Keyword cluster means to add some relative keywords and search queries/phrases in your content. To find the search intent there are different methods including online tools like keywords everywhere or through manual Google recommendations.
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5. Add examples, reference, and images
If you are writing the guest posting about tips or tutorials then it is essential for adding the relative images and examples to your writing. This is because it will add value to the engagement of the customers through these elements.
How this is possible? We have added some of the ways of adding these elements into your content:
· When you are explaining or introducing something, you should add real-time examples to it.
· You can add the screenshot or copyright-free images to your writing regarding your content. For example, if you are explaining or introducing a tool or process then you should add a screenshot of the interface for easy understanding
· Adding reference through citation is very beneficial to make trust in the readers. A citation is a reference to the original source from where you got the concept about a specific term.
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Below is the example of how Backlinko, which is a popular SEO blog adds the screenshot of the email that is explained with the process in the article.
6. Add helpful sub-headings
In SEO, sub-heading is important because it helps the search engine crawlers to understand the content and let it rank.
Moreover, this is becoming common that the readers don’t have the time to read the whole of the article instead they just read the sub-heading and understand the content.
In the guest post submission, the sub-heading holds the same importance as it has in the blog post. Sub-heading will help to rank over more search queries as well as increase the readability score of the post.
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7. Check Grammar and Plagiarism issues
When you complete your writing, this is necessary to check the writing issues in your content to avoid any rejection from the guest posting site.
Grammatical errors might become the reason for the lack of trust for your audience in your writing. If your writing is error-free then it would look professional and trustable.
There are different tools that can help you in removing the grammar checking like Grammarly, which gives suggestions for the errors to solve.
On the other side, plagiarism is another issue that needs to be solved because it is dishonest for the search engine as well as for the site on which your guest posting will be live.
With plagiarism in your article, your article won’t be published on the other blog and it will be rejected all the way.
To avoid this, the plagiarism checker can help you to know the originality of your writing.
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This step is just like proofreading where you have to finalize your post for submission. This step is important because you would have to read all the content and find mistakes.
This step also includes the SEO implications and quality of the content. If the quality of the content is not good, you should modify the weak sentences.
There are different tools for this person like Yoast, HubSpot that will give you a score as well as help to know the recommendation for improvement.
When you writing the guest post, it is compulsory for you to make it completely optimize the search engine because it will not only impact the ranking but also the relevant audience.
Besides the ranking and referral traffic, the SEO upon guest post will also help to increase the quality of the backlink you are obtaining from the guest post.
Most of the sites that offer guest posts usually go for having a rule for writing and you need to follow these rules. Now, this is common that the rules of these sites are about SEO factors which should be followed.
If you are writing for a high authoritative site then you need to write using SEO implications because they don’t accept any poor quality content.
Sunday, January 24, 2021
How To Take Screenshot On iPhone Different 5 methods
Different 5 menthods of screenshot How To Take Screenshot On iPhone
How To Take Screenshot On iPhone In Different Ways
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How To Take Screenshot On iPhone |
A Screenshot is the most useful option available in iPhones or on any mobile phone. The benefit of a screenshot is to save data in the form of a picture. You can easily take a screenshot of any mobile number or any conversation between two numbers. So in this article, you will learn How To Take Screenshot On iPhone with simple 5 different methods.
What you will learn in this article: On How to Take Screenshot on iPhone
- 1.General Method For Taking Screenshot
- Home Button Method For Taking Screenshot
- Sleep Button Method For Taking Screenshot
- Button-Free Method For Taking Screenshot
- Screen Selection Tool Method For Taking Screenshot
Here we are discussing 5 different ways to take a screenshot on iPhone. Detailed information about taking a screenshot is given below :
1.General Method For Taking Screenshot on iPhone :
- The most known and common way to take a screenshot on iPhone is to press and hold the volume up and lock button at the same time. After a while, release both buttons at the same instant, a screenshot will be captured and the notification will appear on the left side of the screen.
- You can see the screenshot by tapping on the notification, or you can dismiss it by sliding the notification on the left side. You can also edit screenshots by tapping on notification, in which you can add text etc.
- This method is applicable on an iPhone X or later models in which a side button is given. Early models came with the home button. The method for taking a screenshot with the home button is discussed below.
Also, read the related article: 7 Different Methods To Take Screenshots On Android
2. Home Button Method For Taking Screenshot on iPhone :
- Earlier models of an Apple iPhone came with a home button. In these previous models, a screenshot is taken by pressing and holding the home button and side button. After a while, release buttons at the same instant, a screenshot will be captured and the notification will appear on the left side of the screen.
- You can see the screenshot by tapping on the notification, or you can dismiss it by sliding the notification on the left side. You can also edit screenshots by tapping on notification, in which you can add text etc.
3. Sleep Button Method For Taking Screenshot :
- In earlier models of an iPhone, there is a sleep button given on the top of the mobile phone. In this model, you can take a screenshot by pressing and holding the home button and sleep button at the same time. After a while, release both buttons at the same instant, a screenshot will be captured and the notification will appear on the left side of the screen.
- You can see the screenshot by tapping on the notification, or you can dismiss it by sliding the notification on the left side. You can also edit screenshots by tapping on notification, in which you can add text etc.
4. Button-Free Method For Taking Screenshot :
- Here we are discussing, the button-free method for taking a screenshot. If you feel irritated by taking screenshots using buttons. You can take a screenshot without buttons. Search the Assistive option in settings, and enable it.
- By enabling it, there appears a white dot floating on the screen of an iPhone. By tapping on this white dot there opens a list of different options where a screenshot is available. Tap on the screenshot and it will be captured without using button combination, the notification will appear on the left side of the screen.
- You can see the screenshot by tapping on the notification, or you can dismiss it by sliding the notification on the left side. You can also edit screenshots by tapping on notification, in which you can add text etc.
5. Screen Selection Tool Method For Taking Screenshot :
- When you are taking a screenshot without using the button combination method. You are trying to take a screenshot by default as designed by the manufacturer. When you select for taking a screenshot, it will ask you to select the area on the screen. It helps you to take a screenshot of a required area.
- This is helpful for those who want to save specific information from the screen. In this way, you can easily find desired information on the screenshot which is saved on your gallery.
Share Screenshot :
- You can easily share a screenshot on an iPhone. If the thumbnail in the notification is dismissed by mistake. You don’t have to worry about it. As we discussed above, that your screenshot will be saved in your phone’s gallery.
- You can find an album named ‘Screenshots’ in that album you can find all screenshots captured by you on your phone easily. You can share it on Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or anywhere else.
- It provides you the option for sharing a screenshot directly on any social media application.
Edit Screenshot :
- An iPhone also provides you the option for editing the screenshot. For example, you capture a whole screen as a screenshot, but now you want to share a specific part of a screenshot with someone. You can edit it by cropping the screenshot.
- Let's have a sight at another example, if you want to add detail on the screenshot in the form of text, so you can easily do it by tapping on edit, and then by tapping on ‘Text’.
Conclusion :
A screenshot is very beneficial if someone is forcing you to show proof. You can take a screenshot of any chat conversation between two people. This screenshot can be used as a piece of evidence if anyone is not admitting his commitment.
You can preview the screenshot immediately to check whether a screenshot is Okay?. When you preview it, there is also an option for deleting it or you can delete it at any time from your phone’s gallery.
Many users wouldn’t know how to take a screenshot. This shared information regarding a screenshot will be helpful. It will become easier for them to understand the process of taking a screenshot. In the end, the quality and performance of an iPhone can never be beaten by any other mobile company.
Web development workflow process : web developer workflow
web developer workflow Web development workflow process
Web development workflow process: web development workflow best practices web developer workflow
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Web development workflow process |
One of the items that present web developers got to perceive initial may be a web development workflow. In this article, I’ll justify however website developers lately get the code from their native machines and deploy it to the live servers wherever net users will access their website or an online application in their application program. In this article, I will discuss the web development workflow best practices and complete the Web development workflow process that you need to follow them.
Everything starts from localhost or their local computer
When web developers begin performing on the website or an online application this generally starts on their native computers.
The code is often split into 2 main components — frontend and backend.
The frontend is a few things that developers’ HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and everything else that's sent to the user gap the web site and understood by the online browser.
The backend is everything that happens on the server-side and every one the scripts that run there. These scripts area unit typically written in PHP, Python, Node.js, Ruby, Java, and .Net. very often, we have a tendency to even have info on the backend that stores data like registered users' details, the content of the articles on the website, or merchandise for an internet store. Most typically used databases area unit MySQL and PostgreSQL furthermore as Microsoft SQL.
Also, read the related article: Is HTML a programming language?
Web development workflow process: Git tracks changes within the code
All the ASCII text file on the native pc (apart from the info content) is often kept in an exceeding version system referred to as rotter. rotter allows developers to chase changes to the code, making totally different versions of the project by making branches, going back to any of the previous versions of the committed code, and far additional.
Git is absolutely customary for version management of any fashionable package development project.
Also, read this article What are computer science jobs
Web development workflow process: GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket — rotter within the cloud
But wherever the rotter extremely starts to shine is wherever it's pushed and keeps within the cloud in services like GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket. There area unit many advantages of getting an ASCII text file within the cloud; the newest version of the code are often accessed from any pc connected to the web, a whole team will safely and with efficiency work on a similar project without concern regarding damaging the code, storing the code within the rotter cloud allows higher preparation processes for the code.
Web development workflow process: Continues Integration and Continues Delivery (CI/CD)
Once we have got the code within the cloud in services like GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket we are able to use continuous integration and continuous delivery services to change the ASCII text file preparation. These services will use the code keep within the rotter within the cloud, check the code (at least to some degree), and deploy the code to our hosting surroundings if the code passes all the tests. Services that may be used here embody Codeship, CircleCI, and GitHub Actions. Once organized, CI/CD services will use our committed to cloud rotter repository code and mechanically deploy to our hosting supplier testing and live environments.
Web development workflow process: Hosting — website code and the databases
This is wherever our code finishes up from our native rotter repository the' rotter within the cloud and CI/CD service. If we have got a domain name reserved and organized for our website or application, this permits the user to look at our project within the application program. There area unit typically extra tasks that require to be performed on the server victimization shell scripts via SSH association (like making an info structure for the info on the server).
Web development workflow process: FTP
Instead of victimization GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket and one in all the CI/CD cloud services, developers typically use FTP or SFTP to transfer their code to the webserver. This is often an easy however less ordinarily used lately and not a counseled thanks to deploy the code to the server.
Web Browser
Once the code is on the live server and that we have a website name allotted thereto, net users will open our web site or internet application in their internet browsers. Any requests (e.g. domain.com/blog) area unit sent to the server from the online browser, this triggers backend scripts that require to run to come up with the page and therefore the frontend (HTML, CSS, and Javascript) is coming back, understood, and presented the users’ internet browsers.
Web development workflow process: Replication
If we'd like to create any longer changes to our project, we have a tendency to repeat a similar process; we have a tendency to build the changes in our native repository, push the changes to rotter within the cloud (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket), this triggers Associate in Nursing action in CI/CD service and our code is deployed once more to our hosting supplier.
Above may be a description of a contemporary web development workflow. This workflow could also be slightly totally different depends on the corporate and people performing on the project however I believe it offers any new developer beginning the website development journey a decent plan however and effective and economical web preparation method feels like lately.
If you wish you'll be able to additionally watch a video wherever I describe a similar internet development workflow. I tried my best to show you everything involved in the Web development workflow process and what are the web development workflow best practices in this article. If you have questions in your mind feel free to ask me in the below comment section.
Saturday, January 23, 2021
Kindle won't turn on : How To Fix Some Common Kindle Error
Amazon books issue How To Fix Some Common Kindle Error Kindle won't turn on
Kindle won't turn on | How To Fix Some Common Kindle Error
Kindle is an amazing device that is used by various users around the world. Amazon Kindle is appreciated due to its various features and functions. If you have a Kindle device with you, you will be able to read your favorite book just like the writer would have intended. So if your Kindle won't turn on this is the best article for you because I am going to let you know about how to fix some common kindle errors.
With Kindle, you will also be able to browse the content online through your web browser, watch movies, listen to music, and search for anything you want. There are various upgrades from time to time that will help your Kindle with all the updates.
Kindle won't turn on issues
There are times when you are facing any issue and you will see that the Kindle won’t connect to WiFi. There are various other issues as well that you can face with your Kindle. In order to resolve these errors, there are a series of steps that you will have to take.
Read related article: Turn on issue resolve of laptop
Kindle comes in various shapes and sizes and offers content for varied audiences. Even the best products are going to have some issues and the same thing is with Kindle. Today, we have accumulated some of the most common issues and how you are going to resolve those issues.
This is a fantastic piece of equipment and which is why we are here to help you with the issues that you can face.
Trouble starting the Kindle when Kindle won't turn on
There are some users who have reported issues where their Kindle just freezes and you are not able to turn on the devices as well.
If you are looking to resolve this issue, then you need to hold the power button for at least twenty seconds. After that, you will see that your device will restart and then tap on the power button in order to switch it on.
This is going to clear all the glitches that might be causing the issue. After that, you are required to press the power button for at least a few seconds till you see that your device has been switched off.
When you see that it has completely been switched off, then you need to plug in the charger and hit the power button again in order to turn it on. When you see that your battery is empty, you need to leave it for an hour in order to charge it and then turn it back on.
Kindle won't turn on and Kindle Won’t connect to PC:
There are at times when the users are not able to connect their Kindle with the PC or the laptop. When you are trying to move the files from one location to the other, then there are at times when you receive a message that the device has stopped responding and has been disconnected.
There are various instances where you might be able to get the device to appear on your computer and in the drive.
In order to resolve this issue, there are some solutions. The first thing that you are required to do is to turn off both your computer as well as your Kindletoo. This will be done for a few seconds and then it will be turned back on again.
After that, we are going to reset them both and then give them another chance to connect. Try to use the USB cable. There may be a case where the issue is with the USB cable. If you see the issue is with that of if you are using a spare USB, then you need to plug in into it just like it was asked.
You can even use an application such as Dropbox where you will be able to wirelessly transfer your files from your Kindle Fire HD on your computer or vice-versa.
Internal errors:
There are some users who might have seen the message where they will see that an internal error has occurred when you are trying to access some of the applications. Let us see some of the potential solutions that you can try in order to resolve the issue.
The first thing that you can do is to restart your Kindle fire by pressing the power button for a few seconds. After that, you need to turn it in again. Now, you need to turn off your internet router.
After that turn, the router off for a few seconds and then switch it on again in order to resolve the connectivity issues. Make sure that the date and time that are entered on your device is correct by swiping down from the top of the screen.
When you have discovered the app, you need to select the option of force stop and then press OK. After that, you can deregister your Kindle from the option of my account. After that, you can register the device again and see whether it has made any difference in the performance or not.
Kindle Won't Connect to WiFi:
Sometimes you are going to find out that your Kindleis not connected to any network. In order to resolve the issue of Kindle Won't Connect to WiFi, there are some steps that you need to follow.
After that what you need to do start by making sure that you do not have your airplane mode activated. You can also try to restart your Kindle fire and see whether you are able to resolve the issue or not.
So you can even download the Wi-Fi app for analyzing that the channels in your area are not too busy. You need to make sure that your Kindle is completely charged. If it is, then they need to reset the Kindle fire to the factory settings.
Kindle won’t charge:
There are various users who have faced issues and have reported online that they are not able to charge the Kindle. There can be an issue with the charging and the battery. If you are facing the issue of Kindle Won't charge, then you need to charge the device for a couple of hours.
Try to see if the charger or the cable is not broken. If you see that the light indicating the charging is not appealing, then you move it gently.
There are times when the charger is not working correctly. If your port is not turning out to be loose, then you must ask amazon for the replacement. You also need to see that the cable that you have received with this is in good condition.
These are some of the issues and how To Fix Some Common Kindle Errors. If you are still facing some issues, then you can get in touch with the official customer support. They are going to provide you with the best solutions. I hope you understand better about Kindle won't turn on the solution with details in this article if you have still any issues let us know in the comment section.
Friday, January 22, 2021
7 Different Methods To Take Screenshots On Android : Simple and easy
7 Different Methods To Take Screenshots On Android Take Screenshots On Android
7 Different Methods To Take Screenshots On Android
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7 Different Methods To Take Screenshots On Android |
The term ‘screenshot’ means to take a picture of the whole screen displaying on your phone. There are several ways through which we can take screenshots. Screenshot plays an important role in saving any information on your phone. So here you will learn about Different Methods To Take Screenshots On Android and these will be 7 simple methods.
- So you can use the screenshot as proof. With the help of a screenshot, you can use it as evidence for any case. It is very useful for saving information that is displayed on your screen.
- You can easily take a screenshot of a scene in a video clip or while playing a game!. You can take a screenshot of any conversation or chat whether is it on Whatsapp or somewhere else.
So let's discuss these Different Methods To Take Screenshots On Android
Here we are discussing the proper 7 methods of taking screenshots on android in detail :
1.Take Screenshot Through Notification Bar :
- Every android phone comes with a notification bar which is given at the top of the screen. When you swipe it from up to down, the notification bar is grasped down. There are several options given on the notification bar which is used as a shortcut for the user to perform the operation in a short time.
- In one of the options, there is an option of the screenshot, you can take a screenshot easily by just tapping on SCREENSHOT and the screenshot will be saved on your gallery.
Also, read the related article: How to take a screenshot on iPhone different 5 methods
2.Take Screenshot By Holding Lock Screen Button And Volume Down Button :
- As we already discussed that there exist different methods of taking screenshots. One of the most basic methods is to press and hold the lock button and volume down button at the same time for a while. This is one of the easiest ways to take a screenshot.
- The most important point in this phenomenon is that pressing and holding buttons should be at the same time if both buttons are pressed and held at different time intervals then whether your screen will be locked or the volume is lessened due to the volume down key.
- This is the most known and general method for taking a screenshot on most Android phones.
Also, read this related article
What is Difference between iPhone and Android?
3.Take Screenshot By Holding Home Button And Lock Screen Button :
- Different Android mobile comes with different designs and features. Above we discussed the models of android which came with just a lock screen and volume controlling buttons excluding the home button given at the center and the bottom of the mobile phone.
- On these phones, you can easily take a screenshot with help of the combination of a home button and the lock screen button. You have to press and hold the home button and lock screen button at the same instant. The screenshot will be captured and will be saved in your gallery.
- This home button usually came from the Samsung Company in their Phones, especially in their S series.
4. Take a Screenshot by Swiping Specific Gestures :
- Several companies such as Samsung provides features for taking screenshots in easier and different methods. These features came by default, i.e by the manufacturers. In this feature, by performing specific gestures you can take a screenshot.
- The gestures vary from model to model. Different models introduce different ways to capture a screenshot.
- For example 2 finger swipe gesture in which you just have to swipe two fingers on the screen when you want to take a screenshot. This gesture will help you out to take a screenshot in the shortest time.
Also, read this related post
How to Recover Deleted Photos on Android
5.Take Screenshot By Smart Selection Tool : Different Methods To Take Screenshots On Android
- For making product more attractive new features are introduced by the companies. Another facility and easiness for the user have been introduced by several companies such as by Samsung for taking a screenshot differently and easily.
- They provide a Screenshot Selection Tool in which you can easily select the area of the displayed screen to take a screenshot. It provides you the option for taking the screenshot only for the required area you selected. In this way, you can easily focus on the data, image, information, or whatever you want on the screen.
- Through this method, only required data will be saved in the screenshot which helps the user for finding or using that information in a screenshot. In this way, the aim of saving screenshot becomes more prominent for the user. In this way, a large portion of the screen is excluded which is useless.
Also read this related article
Difference between iPhone and Android | iPhone VS Android | Which is better
6.Take Screenshot By Voice Command :
- Here, several mobile phone companies introduce their sets with a feature of voice commands that receive a command in form of voice and gives you accurate results and perform each function according to your desire.
- There are different voice commands for taking a screenshot. One of them is ‘Take Screenshot’ and your android phone will capture screenshot and save it on your mobile phone’s gallery.
- This is the easiest way and provides its user hand-free operation. This feature is very useful when you are busy doing some work and you are not able to take Screenshots by using a mobile phone with the interaction of your hands. For example, if you are driving a car and want to take a screenshot you just have to say ‘Take Screenshot’ and it will be done.
7.Take Screenshot With Different Apps: Different Methods To Take Screenshots On Android
- Many applications are easily available on the Google Play Store for Android Phones which enables you to take a screenshot more easily. It is much tough to make a perfect combination of lock screen button and volume down button.
- This issue has been resolved with the help of Third Party Applications which gives you a shortcut
for taking a screenshot. You can take a Screenshot within a second by taping on the option ‘SCREENSHOT’.
Conclusion: Different Methods To Take Screenshots On Android
- It would not be easy to tell any specific or general method for taking a screenshot for Android Phones. Because this varies with different models. Some models have a Home button and some have don’t.
- Some mobile phones have this facility of the screenshot for their users by default.
- At the end of this discussion, I hope you understand better about Different Methods To Take Screenshots On Android.
Thursday, January 21, 2021
Career In Mobile App Development: All You Need To Know
App developer jobs Career In Mobile App Development
Career In Mobile App Development: All You Need To Know
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Career In Mobile App Development All You Need To Know |
Are you thinking of taking a career in mobile app development but aren’t sure where to start?
You’re on the right page.
In this massive guide, we’re going to talk about everything you need to know if you want to build a career in the mobile app development field.
The big question is:
Is Mobile App Development A Good Career?
Statistics suggest that by the end of 2021 close to 7 billion people will be using smartphones.
According to dissertation-service.org, a company that works with experienced dissertation writers, by 2021, the yearly mobile app downloads are expected to increase to 258 billion.
Keep in mind that mobile apps are the backbone of all the latest smartphones.
But that’s not all.
Today, every business is embracing the use of mobile apps to enhance the convenience of its customers.
It’s no doubt that the demand for mobile developers is increasing tremendously and mobile developer jobs are also skyrocketing.
Unfortunately, the total number of mobile app developers is around 12 million worldwide.
That means that, if there is a better time to start the App development career, then it’s now.
But how to become a mobile app developer is no easy task.
That’s why the internet is awash with a ton of questions such as:
- What do I need to learn to become a mobile app developer?
- How do I start a career in app development?
- How do I become an app developer with no experience?
Keep reading to learn how to start a career as a mobile developer.
How To Become A Mobile App Developer: FAQs
Even though there is an increase in demand for mobile app developers, companies that offer mobile applications are looking for qualified guys.
Even if you’re going the self-employment way, no one will want to work with someone who doesn’t have the qualifications and experience.
This section answers some of the most frequently asked questions by people looking to take the App development career.
What Is A Mobile Developer?
A mobile developer creates apps for use on iOS or Android devices and maintains them constantly. For instance, a mobile application developer can work independently or as a team to create an app that lets customers track their orders using their smartphones.
What Does A Mobile Application Developer Do?
In other words, what are the responsibilities of a mobile application developer?
Mobile application developers use their analytical and problem-solving skills to create, test, update and maintain mobile applications.
They can program an app and design its UI (user interface).
After developing the app, developers keep it updated with new features so it can keep serving current and future needs.
Today, mobile apps have become a vital part of business strategy.
Besides, there are billions of smartphones in the market today with multiple apps installed.
App developers are responsible for creating and maintaining the apps so they can help people achieve their goals.
In summary, a mobile app developer is responsible for:
- Developing, testing, and managing mobile apps.
- Writing codes for apps for particular platforms.
- Designing and developing the apps’ user interface.
- Provide technical and user support for apps.
- Coming up with device fixes and any issues that crop up.
- Ensure apps perform as required by users.
As a mobile app developer, you will work with analysts, software engineers, project managers, and other developers.
What Programming Languages Mobile App Developers Should Learn?
When it comes to mobile app development, you can choose between native development and cross-platform development.
With native development, developers build Android apps using Kotlin or Java; and Swift for developing iOS apps.
For cross-platform development, developers build apps using Reactive Native which uses JavaScript, Xamarin which uses C#, or Flutter which uses Dart.
In a nutshell, as a new mobile app developer, learning Kotlin, HTML5, Java, Rust, and Swift will help you build apps that are stable, secure, and attuned with the latest mobile architecture.
What Are The Different Types Of Mobile Applications?
There are three basic mobile apps namely Native mobile apps, hybrid mobile apps, and web applications.
Native mobile apps
As the name suggests, native mobile applications are developed for use in a specific platform (whether iOS, Android, or Windows).
That means that you cannot use an app developed for the iOS platform on an Android device and vice versa.
Hybrid mobile apps
Hybrid mobile applications are similar to native but are more web apps.
Often, hybrid mobile apps are developed using HTML5.
These types of mobile apps are also not as reliable or fast as native apps.
Web apps
Web apps operate like native apps but are accessed via a web browser on a mobile device.
These types of mobile apps don’t require users to download and install them on their devices.
Should You Develop Mobile Apps For Android Or iOS?
When it comes to how to become a mobile app developer, you can choose to build apps for Android or iOS because the two platforms are great.
Besides, there is a ton of job opportunities for app developers no matter the platform you choose.
Nevertheless, you should consider your preferences and identify your target market.
As a rule, we would recommend starting by developing apps for a platform you’re interested in it.
Avoid being a jack of all trades as you might end up getting stuck along the process.
How Much Do App Developers Make?
How much you can make as a mobile app developer depends on multiple factors such as location, experience, specific skills, etc.
According to ZipRecruiter, the average annual pay for an Entry Level Mobile Application developer in the US is $78,765 per year.
Here are the potential annual earnings of mobile app developers.
According to PayScale, an iOS developer earns a salary of between $86,622 and $120,000 a year.
Glassdoor estimates the annual salary of an Android developer to be around $86,607 to $125,000 per year.
In summary, you can expect to earn about $100,000 per year as a mobile app developer.
How To Learn Mobile App Development
You can learn mobile application development in many ways.
For instance, you can join a college or university and pursue a degree in computer science or become a mobile app developer by self-studying.
Some mobile developers also learn how to build apps through attending short-term coding boot camp.
A coding boot camp can last between three to nine months.
The path you take when it comes to learning how to develop mobile apps depends on your needs and goals.
What Are The Skills Required For A Mobile Application Developer?
Here are some of the essential skills you need for a mobile app developer.
Problem Solving
As stated earlier, a mobile app developer is responsible for building, testing, and managing applications.
Problem-solving skills are required when it comes to recognizing technical issues with applications and finding solutions to them.
Analytical skills
Mobile application developers are tasked with building apps that match users’ needs.
App developers need to understand user’s needs before creating applications.
As a mobile app developer, you need to be creative enough to create user-friendly apps.
Cross-platform app development
As seen above, there are three major platforms for building apps currently namely Android, iOS, and Windows. A developer needs to be versatile enough to develop mobile apps on different platforms for use on mobile devices.
Communication is a vital skill when it comes to building mobile applications. As a mobile app developer, you need to be able to communicate both in writing and verbally.
This will help you to ask the right questions when developing apps so you can understand the clients’ needs and wants.
You also need to be able to explain complex and technical terms to both techies and non-techies.
Programming Languages
App developers also need to know the modern programming languages such as Java, C#, CSS, HTML5, etc.
You don’t need to master all programming languages but know them could help you stand out from the crowd.
How To Start A Career As A Mobile App Developer
If you’re looking to start a career as a mobile app developer, you need to strategize first before you start building your first application.
Here are some of the ways to become a mobile app developer.
Learn how to code
Coding is the core of mobile app development. If you cannot code then you’re not a mobile app developer.
So, first, you need to learn how to code.
The good news is that you don’t need to join college or university to learn to code.
There is a ton of online resources online where you can learn basic and advanced coding for mobile app development.
Besides, most of the resources are free.
This article shares a list of the best resources to learn to code for free.
Take advantage of app builders
App builders help developers to develop apps quickly and inexpensively. They help developers who build apps for other businesses.
Besides, you don’t need any coding skills when using an app builder.
They are designed with templates you can just tweak to suit your client’s needs.
Some app builders also let you design the template from scratch.
App builders help developers build apps for use in different areas such as entertainment, non-profit, restaurant, small businesses, e-commerce, real estate, etc.
Factors to Consider Before Building a Mobile App Developer Career
Even though the mobile app development career is becoming popular, there are certain things to consider before diving in.
Here are seven things to consider before you start a career in mobile application development.
The kind of degree required
To become an experienced app developer is a process that takes time and effort.
As the demand for mobile app developers continues to increase, more people are getting into the field.
On the other hand, companies and clients are looking to hire qualified professionals to build their apps.
No matter how good you are in programming, you also need to back up your skills with a degree to stand out from the crowd.
Besides, obtaining a degree shows that you have the required knowledge for developing mobile applications.
Currently, prominent companies are looking for professionals with a degree in mobile computing, software engineering, and computer science.
So, first, you need to analyze the academic requirements of becoming an app developer so you can choose the right degree.
Ensure you obtain your degree from a reputable institution as well.
Decide which platform to focus on
As stated earlier, there are three major platforms for mobile app development in the market today: iOS, Android, and Windows.
You can choose to master them all or focus on one but we’d recommend choosing one platform when getting started.
Remember that the three platforms aren’t the same.
They also require one to know different programming languages. For instance, to develop applications for Android, you need to learn Java.
Note that Java is a bit complicated and requires more learning than other languages.
As a rule, you should choose a platform that interests you.
Several factors can help to influence your decision here.
For instance, Android is widely used whereas iOS has a good ROI.
Decide your best platform and master it then move to the next one because knowing different platforms helps you stand out from the crowd.
Is mobile app development worth your time?
It’s not a secret that the demand for mobile app developers is skyrocketing now that almost everyone owns a smartphone and businesses are going digital.
But before starting a career in mobile app development, you need to ask yourself whether it’s worth investing your time, effort, and money in becoming a developer.
Know your duties and responsibilities
As a mobile app developer, you’re not only tasked with building mobile apps for clients.
Before you start a career in mobile app development, you need to know your core responsibilities.
Here are some of the duties and responsibilities of a mobile app developer.
Coding and designing
Every mobile app developer needs to learn how to create bug-free code.
Coding and designing is therefore the basic role of a mobile app developer.
UI and UX design
Every app developer needs to learn how to develop apps that meet clients’ needs and wants. Users should also be able to use the apps with ease.
Development and testing
Development and testing is one of the repetitive stages of the mobile app development process.
You will be responsible for building mobile applications based on the client’s requirements then testing to see whether the apps meet those requirements.
You also have to ensure the apps are flawless.
Fixing issues and providing solutions
Even after building an app based on your client’s requirements, issues are going to come up.
As an app developer, you need to be able to provide fixes and suggest possible solutions in case the problems occur in the future.
Troubleshooting and debugging
You’re going to be tasked with testing the app after developing it, identify bugs if there are any, and remove them to make your app functional.
Clients expect you to build apps that help them achieve their goals.
After building an app, you’re required to monitor how it works and keep it updated constantly for a given period.
In a nutshell, your roles and responsibilities don’t stop when you build and hand over the app to your client.
Clients expect you to provide them with maximum support at any time they need.
Besides, being there when your clients need yous help to build a strong relationship with clients which can open more opportunities for you in case the client wants apps developed for other platforms.
How to get mobile developer jobs
No matter how skillful you are when it comes to mobile app development, if you don’t know how and where to look for jobs then you aren’t going to find the career valuable for you.
The good thing is that large and small businesses and companies are looking for qualified app developers.
When starting a career in mobile app development, you should focus on honing your skills and gaining experience to build a great resume.
You can also work full-time or on a freelance basis as an app developer.
Remember that you’re going to struggle to the extent of giving up in the beginning but don’t give up.
How to get your feet wet
Billions of people are buying smartphones each day. Businesses are going digital today than ever. But don’t be deceived to think that you’ll get a job immediately after you finish learning how to become a mobile app developer.
The demand for mobile app developers is skyrocketing but the competition is also insane as everyone is looking to seize the opportunity.
According to Evans Data Corporation, there were close to 24 million professional app developers worldwide in 2019 and the number is expected to increase to 28.7 million in 2024.
As you can see, building a career in mobile app development is one thing and getting your first client is another.
But don’t lose hope.
Start small and improve your career by observing the trends.
Your focus should be to gain experience.
You can start by applying for internships to hone your skills and get maximum exposure in the mobile app development space.
Final Thoughts
How to build a career in the mobile app development field is a tough task.
It requires time, effort, and experience to design an application that’s secure and reliable.
We hope this article will give you a good starting point.
Good luck!
Author Bio:
Susanna Balashova is an experienced mobile app developer and freelance writer who offers help to students with their custom papers. She is also a content writer and she shares insightful information around the mobile application development landscape.
Follow Susan on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn.